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Mar 11, 2017

Kid welcomes Mr. Crowley, The Rookie and Arabella to the show where we bring you mad capped idiocy and topics that include the real and true fact that the Goin’ Deep Show environment encourages women to dress slutty as hell. The crew gets completely distracted by the live Twitter feed on the big screen which includes images of balls, blowjobs and other random things. Kid explains the domain that he has and tries to figure out what the fuck to do with it. The story of how Red walked into a house where someones parents where awkwardly caught doing something then calls to make sure The Kid gets to feel awkward too. We go through the getting caught stories then hit on the public sex acts of parents.

We bring up the mexican with the 18 inch dong and get in a dispute over whether or not its real. The usual what's on tap and other nonsense as usual with the show. 

Go Deep - Listen in and if you have some shit to say about anything we yammer on about please feel free to contact us at 989-331-0543 thats 989-331-0KID

We promise to only make fun of your dumbass for a few minutes. Go Deep.