Dec 24, 2018
Kid kicks open the holiday season ripping on Tumblr and their decision to stop hosting porn. Fucking Lame ass motherfuckers. We talk age and how all the MILFs are getting way too old to think dirty things about. The Kid refuses to discuss the new show his kid has duped him into and to make the holiday special he goes off on a rant about how shitty Xmas is and how much he hates it. He sips some coffee and does his normal destruction of Facebook and how fucking dumb it is. In the creep department, the government can now find you to within 3 feet of your phone. Yipee. Privacy is damned. We’re glad little pansy bitches are complaining about Xmas songs. I think maybe we should just get rid of all Xmas songs to make it as peaceful to assholes like me who hat the season. Kid hits up a new app to find music and realizes its all just shit. Go figure. Go Deep.