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Nov 17, 2020

Kid and Kleen in studio discussing all sorts of dumb shit. We kick things off with some clip of a brother telling his girl what she won’t be getting if she keeps acting up. Kid tells everyone things need to be fair even when it sucks and we ask Mr. Kleen if he’d bang his Cooch’s mom.  We play a random sex position game with the porn box, get grossed out by huge pussy lips and cutting them off then wrap up with female doctors chopping cocks off. Its simple everyone.  Listen and go fucking deep. 


1:00 The Kid is hungover - 3 beers 

2:00 Live Chat and buttons 

3:00 Our new catchphrase - No Mo Dick

4:00 My New Favorite thing - Manual car

5:00 Snap a finger and I’ll give ya the dick 

6:00 You’ll get a no too 

7:00 Everyone wins with sex 

8:00 Full chub in the waistband 

9:00 Girls are weird -  

10:00 Patron saint of toilets - reach down the pants

11:00 Cooch’s Mom 

12:00 Kleen can’t remember anything 

13:00 Random sex position with the porn box 

14:00 Eckler and the porn DVDs 

15:00 A gun case full of porn 

16:00 Kleen respects his porn mags 

17:00 Double wide pullout porn closeups 

18:00 Video of pussy reconstruction 

19:00 Pussy Lips on a tray 

20:00 Lop the dick over a log 

21:00 Female Dr. chopping a dick off 

22:00 Red Eye getting his testicles removed 

23:00 They showed everything 

24:00 Getting irate over comedy bits 

25:00 Choose to control yourself 

26:00 Stop snow flaking me 

27:00 Spotify music shit 

28:00 iTunes / Spotify music in podcasts 

29:00 Final Words - Donating beer.

Go Deep.