Jul 29, 2021
Kid and Kleen bring you the show sponsored by sweaty taint, do some sexy talk to an imaginary friend, relive a story of a chick licking ice cream off a dick and we wag our finger at Kleen for stealing a protector of the U.S. We wrap with phones connected to ass and Salma Hayek. Go Deep.
1:00 Brought to you by the nut sweat of my taint
2:00 How do you get this out
3:00 Pull the panties down just a little
4:00 Love yourself as much as possible
5:00 Whip cream on nips - food stuff
6:00 Girlfriend ice creaming the dick
7:00 Ice cream off the dick
8:00 Kleen and the coast guard wife
9:00 She said they were seperated
10:00 Dad gave me the thumbs up
11:00 Get the fuck out - no matter how hard you try
12:00 Singing Black Velvet
13:00 He gave you the thumbs up
14:00 Hi everybody - she knows you
15:00 Twat Cumphrey
16:00 Decade ahead
17:00 Phone attached to butt
18:00 Getting into a groove - try to maintain
19:00 Final Words - Salma Hayek is dirty - lets kleen her
Go Deep.