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Nov 26, 2021

Kid and L.B. in studio talking about routines of beating off, Kid outlines the non jerk and then lets his new lady pal swallow the whole thing right up. We talk about how there needs to be an app to match your girlfriends faces to porn stars, how hot eyeblack and powder puff is and we call out a former guest for being a cunt. L.B. nearly pees on a homeless man and we got some VIP tickets to see some titties.  Go Deep.


1:00 You did this on purpose - I had no idea - It just came out 

2:00 Apple iPhone vulnerability 

3:00 Creepy little devices that monitor your every move

4:00 Mom walk in? Had to be close

5:00 Went a whole 8 days without yankin’ the crank

6:00 10 seconds after the video is over

7:00 I held off for a while - Was it alot? 

8:00 Much appreciated - Killer bod

9:00 An app to compare porn stars to your former girlfriends

10:00 This app thing is crazy

11:00 Powder puff

12:00 These eyeblack thing is hot

13:00 Capturing that moment in time

14:00 I do feel bad, didn’t go to Jakes

15:00 Going to Jakes - not too fuzzy

16:00 Peeing on homeless bums

17:00 Blew 10-12 bucks at the arcade

18:00 Watching people play

19:00 Cutie and cute boobs - Final words

Go Deep.