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Feb 1, 2025

Kid A.G. and El Pres First stop is a racist old hag screaming at an Indian guy to go back to India because, apparently, in her world, Canada's for white folks only. 

Then, we've got a drunken night out where the highlight is debating BJs  and getting pissed off at some dumb truck lights.

Sports? More like a chance to show off how little you know about the game while wearing your team's colors. Football's just an excuse for a party, and baseball? It's the backdrop for your next day-drunk story.

And finally, the pièce de résistance - a woman who decided to take on 1000 men in one day. Not for love, not for science, but for the shock value. It's a mirror to our society, where we're more interested in the spectacle than the substance.

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