Jul 30, 2021
Hey he who thinks he’s a she! Don’t go waling into a ladies locker room. Just sayin’. Kleen predicts sudden death to someone in the future who pulls off such antics. A sista is pleading with a spa to get the man dick out of the locker room and all we care about is killing the sissification of every goddamn thing we can. Some sports, some tranny and lots of stupidity in this one. Go Deep.
1:00 Accidental ball whiff
2:00 Hispanic National anthem
3:00 She’d be a handful in the sac / Drama
4:00 Why - your haircut looks like a retard
5:00 Adjustments - Bash the video jiggle
6:00 It’s Tranny time
7:00 I see a dick
8:00 Is that what you’re saying?
9:00 You whip your dick out in the lady’s locker you go to jail
10:00 Whipping your Peter out will lead to damage
11:00 Kleen’s mom in studio
12:00 Changing at the Y
13:00 Sick of the Sissification of the game
14:00 Big built dude like Thor
15:00 You’re just a big fat fucking pussy
16:00 I need an extra time out
17:00 I can’t watch football
18:00 We need to beat each other up for our team
19:00 Final Words - Five intimate sex positions
Go Deep.