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Aug 23, 2021

Women have the pussy so they get away with everything. We ask if Kleen has had a woman buy him a drink and wonder what the fuck is up with women thinking they deserve shit for free. We do a story about a dude blasting some lemon sorbet on some concert goers and we do some “Be a Man” . Go Deep. 


1:00 Kleen payed a month in advance - Bills

2:00 I don’t know if I feel testosterony

3:00 Showers of cum? What am I looking for

4:00 This is insanity - bunch of bullshit

5:00 Walla Ella lalalala - 40 years beating meat

6:00 Broad daylight attack at family friendly event

7:00 You can’t be horny so you jack in public

8:00 He does not have lemon sorbet for you

9:00 Someones domain ran out and its now porn 

10:00 We have so many posts and stories 

11:00 We love old lady shit 

12:00 Just a chill Kleen today 

13:00 He’s a black guy with wings man 

14:00 Is there any reason they’re special 

15:00 Instantaneous appalled by sandwich suggestion 

16:00 Get free drinks for nothing

17:00 BE A Man - Go out and get some - Blow a snot rocket 

18:00 Boys out there wearing girl pants? WTF? 

19:00 Final Words -  

Go Deep.