Apr 13, 2022
Kid and L.B discuss some of the Kid’s pals, how much they mean to him and then play some clips of some college women who can barely string a few words together. We do a little more chatter about our latest Grand Rapids concert, the tech used and we wrap with telling all the fans and friends that Fiona did the old Smurf treatment on her hand, face and hair. It was a cussing extravaganza that will happen the next time she comes in. Listen in Go Deep.
1:00 Raw Fishy’s - Eating with sticks
2:00 Never a lul great flow of conversation
3:00 You know who you are
4:00 All the fucked up things in my past
5:00 If you’re doing it the right way - Do it for you or someone else
6:00 Watching Jack White play the guitar
7:00 College woman and a guy making fun of them
8:00 One at a time, two at a time Slap em with a dick
9:00 So much shit on Tik Tok
10:00 Send out some mp3 files from Napster
11:00 An almost download
12:00 Collecting vinyl records
13:00 Jack White is a genius
14:00 Talking about comparing yourself to others
15:00 How many guitars did Jack White use
16:00 Swearing Fiona with Blue hands
17:00 Her hands looked like Smurfette
18:00 Fake iPad Cartman - Fuck me
19:00 Sticky tits for tickets
Go Deep.