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Nov 21, 2022

Kid welcomes in Jaybird, Yankee Killer and the Foreman telling the tale of meeting Jerry Seinfeld at the Dow. We play an old 80s tune to set the pace and wrap up with a late addition. Listen in and Go Deep.


1:00 Someone we didn’t rename

2:00 This is the Pistons playing now 

3:00 I felt like I was TMZ

4:00 George Clooney 

5:00 Meeting Jerry Seinfeld 

6:00 Do you wanna meet famous people 

7:00 People didn’t even know who they were  

8:00 Corey Hart - Sunglasses at night 

9:00 You ever heard this song 

10:00 Yankee killer at the show 

11:00 Why the Kid is an A’s fan 

12:00 Who do you want to meet? 

13:00 I just wanna smell her hair 

14:00 Jesus doesn’t wear shoes 

15:00  Love on em right in their face

16:00 Jesus said let the little children come

17:00 Worried about that a bit 

18:00 Counted everyone 

19:00 Final Words - Chicken McNuggets 


Go Deep.