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Jan 31, 2022

Kid, Fiona and L.B. do some porn reviews that involve sex chairs, foam wedges and horses. L.B. gives us the lowdown on freezing your balls off and not being able to shit and Fiona on prom night decided she couldn’t drop a deuce either. Words of advice from Fiona are don’t stick shit up your ass that doesn’t belong...

Jan 28, 2022

Kid and Fiona talk about bloody cooter apps, some nostalgia in the dick pic department and thinking about different faces while you’re getting it on along with techniques on how to do it.  Its an all action no distraction edition of the podcast.  Whatever the fuck that means.  Listen in. Go Deep.


Jan 27, 2022

Kid and Fiona ask all the important questions, like how many guys have slapped them titties around, what name we like best, Orgy or Oh Fuck, how to properly purchase puke filled clothes, little boys gawking, old guys gawking and what we’re going to do to my Childs boyfriend if he fucks up. We talk love notes,...

Jan 26, 2022

Kid loses his brain in this one.  Shows signs of losing his mind, talks about shiny butts, where to finish, how much ejack is adequate and how to increase your shooter. How sensitive orgasms can be, whiskey dick and how to jack off in a weird way. Listen in. Go Deep. 


1:00 A little buzzy buzzy 


Jan 25, 2022

Kid, Fiona and Mike Hunt discuss women holding off on the big O., Sex in weird places, getting caught by the cops, old fucked up relationships, being hit on, being friends, being not so friends and how you can have someone so important to marry but if you don’t they’ll find someone else.  Listen in. Go Deep.