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Feb 26, 2009

Kid takes the night off of the hosting duties but sits in with Eck and Kleen.  We hit topics including High School chicks who got boob jobs and turned hot. Rooms with beds and not much else and Eckler finally wraps a story from episode 611. Go Deep.

Feb 25, 2009

Kid, Kleen and Eckler bring you retarded news including wedgie attacks and more. No more notes. I'm tired and going to bed. Get Bent, Go Deep.

Feb 24, 2009

Kid in studio with Eck and Kleen and the Mayor & Wally in CO. Topics: saying Fuck you to family members, Wally having his own show during the show. Steroids and some news recaps and Kleen's mom shaves his back? WTF. Also someone has big balls. Go Deep.

Feb 23, 2009

Kid welcomes Eck and Kleen in studio and Wally and JMac from Colorado.  Topics: sleeping with N-bombs, calling porn hotlines, octo-mom death threats, Rhianna punched and how to stalk some crazy denver whores on Twitter. Go Deep

Feb 22, 2009

Kid welcomes Eck and Kleen in studio and Wally and JMac from Colorado.  We talk radio, JMac pukes, Wally didn't have sex in High school and JMac lights the kitchen counter on fire. Other topics include stripper poles, Katy Perry,  Mexican anger and more.