Apr 27, 2021
Kid, Zaldor and L.B. in studio call Thundercats where she gives the lowdown on how to get subway delivered to your house and all you gotta do is suck a few dicks. We ask how the hell a ten year non-relationship is possible and believe it or not the Kid doesn’t freak out from all the eating that is going on right into the microphones the whole time. Go Deep.
1:00 Thundercats Lunch buddy
2:00 Bringing subway for some dick suck
3:00 Ten year Fuck Buddy
4:00 8-10 week commitment
5:00 L.B. laying it out - powerful snatch
6:00 Changing the scenario
7:00 How often is the other Fuck buddy?
8:00 Yellow light, Green light
9:00 If thats not long term who knows what is
10:00 Viagra?
11:00 So strong it had a side part
12:00 Subway workout
13:00 Keeping him young
14:00 Side pussy concern
15:00 Deal with the cutoff
16:00 A decade F buddy
17:00 Driving me insane
18:00 All the topics all the things
19:00 Final Words - Coming to have a drink
Go Deep.