Feb 25, 2022
Kid and Fiona make fun of little guys in wheel chairs, people in pyramid schemes, cancel culture, queuing, and how to break the internet with Fiona’s Tinder account. We ask where to do some midget tossing, define retarded shit and play some Kenny Powers and some Miami Sound Machine. We go straight to hell for this one. Listen in and join us in the flames. Go Deep.
1:00 Almost gave the wrong listener line number again
2:00 She couldn’t concentrate
3:00 El poppy - Don’t do that
4:00 Wait a minute Syrup
5:00 Variations in the body
6:00 Kids bop kinda days
7:00 At what point do we do a questionnaire
8:00 As you age your testosterone levels go down
9:00 Fuck you motherfuckers I don’t give a shit
10:00 Holy fuck - explains alot
11:00 Cancel culture bullshit
12:00 Everyone wants to feel important
13:00 Fucking L.B. talking about booster seats
14:00 Hold your fucking breath - fucking cock suckers
15:00 MLM recruiting through dating apps and Tik Tok
16:00 Eating Fiona’s cake
17:00 Queef sound loop
18:00 Cabbage pack dance
19:00 White noise sound machine
20:00 Fucking dog in the song
21:00 F word when you’re a kid - the Fag word
22:00 Irish in me - drunken bafoonery
23:00 Credit for having some balls
24:00 Human dildo kid
25:00 Dude can we throw him!
26:00 He’s in the chair - Hand-capable
27:00 I popped that cherry for all you young ones
28:00 That’s gonna make her a shitty mother
29:00 Dial a ride bus - pimp ride
30:00 Kenny Powers dumps high schooler
31:00 Your shit isn’t real
32:00 I’ll break you into little pieces
Go Deep.