Oct 30, 2009
Kid, Eckler and GDub discuss how much of an asshole Davis Spade is, Lindsay Lohan and if you're more afraid to catch all kinds of nasty VD or getting the bitch knocked up. We also look at Susan Sarandon's daughter and yes she's exactly how you'd imagine.
Oct 29, 2009
Kid, Eckler and GDub welcome the brawler to the GDS. We talk about Sharon stones snatch, not wearing panties and how Michael Douglas sold his soul to satan. GDub talks about some roofies and drugs and Eckler talks about forgetting girls names. Go Deep
Oct 28, 2009
Eckler, Brawler, GDub and the Kid discuss how to get drunk from within the vagina. Our interest in eating vagina and how to effectively use anal beads in three holes. Eck gets tricked on fleshbot.com and we discuss some nurses helping a patient. Go Deep.
Oct 27, 2009
Eckler, Brawler and GDub join the Kid where we continue Halloween week with another recap of the GDS Halloween party. We discuss wanting 3somes with 19 year old girls, We remind everyone that Wilma isn't gonna blow Fred and GDub describes naughty nurses
Oct 26, 2009
Kid and Eckler discuss the recap of the Halloween Party, skin to win, how to train a girl like a puppy and GDub comes in and joins us as well. The Kid almost remembers how to use the buttons and he also almost got his butt kicked. Check it out, Go Deep