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Nov 30, 2017

RED EYE INTRO 12: Running from the Cops

Kid and Hollywood wrap up the month of November and we made it. We released fresh brand new content for the last 30 days straight. In this episode we dive into two great lists of insults and obscure sexual terms.  Its juvenile, stupid and its what we did on show one so why not do...

Nov 29, 2017

Kid and Hollywood sit down at the downtown studio location to discuss a range of topics that go from the shirt piercing nipples that are in the room to insecurities that each of the sexes has.  We make fun of a few famous people, describe the outfits that Hollywood wears while making dinner and what the show will...

Nov 28, 2017

Hollywood joins the Kid in the empty studio during the remodel.  We discuss sliding it in, drilling sex toys, surprising your lady then her surprising you and serial killers.  We wrap up with a huge list of rules that men wish the ladies knew and the Kid has issues with some amazingly tight pants that Hollywood wears. ...

Nov 27, 2017

In this episode of the show its the regular ho hum bullshit of calling out former guests, Turkey Day recaps involving turkey fingers and a little news items that discuss Donald Trump, Racist shit and keeping the streak of releasing a show every day of November. Listen in and piss and moan by calling 989-332-0543

Red Eye...

Nov 26, 2017

In this episode of the Goin’ Deep Show Kid and Hollywood break down some real-life news, a documentary on one of the Kid’s favorite artists and how to properly beat the ever living shit out of someone with a tiny bit. We keep the theme of fat shaming going shaking our heads about a woman losing half her body weight...